I've been using
Lift as the framework behind a small internal web application at my company for the past year or so. The experience has been generally positive, despite a few quibbles I have with how state is typically maintained and passed around within an application.
Lift takes a "view first" approach to building web applications, as opposed to the commonly favored MVC pattern. In practice, "view first" boils down to essentially this: when you create an XHTML template for a page, that template will contain one or more XML tags where the name of the tag refers to a method to be called with the body of the tag as an argument. Such a method will return the XHTML to be substituted in place of the original tag and its contents. In Lift parlance such a method is called a "snippet," and has the type NodeSeq => NodeSeq. In order to more fully understand the rest of this article, I recommend you read more about snippets
here if you're not already familiar with them.
The interesting thing about this signature is that functions with this type can easily be composed. What's more, the method most frequently used to implement snippets, BindHelpers.bind, can be partially applied to its arguments to give a closure with the same signature.
When I'm designing a website, most of the time rendering a page (or even a snippet within a page) isn't about displaying the data from a single object - instead, I often want to render a whole object graph. Ideally, I want to be able to choose a rendering for each type of object I'm concerned with, then compose these elements to produce the final page. Templates for objects should be reusable and modular, and for any given page I should be able to pick between multiple renderings of any given object, in some places displaying a concise summary and elsewhere a detailed exposition of all the available data.
Furthermore, while I believe that "the meaning should belong with the bytes" I also think that the rendering should be as decoupled from the bytes as possible to allow for maximum flexibility. Hence, I don't want my model classes to have any sort of "render" method - the display is something that should be layered on above the semantics provided by the names and types of the members of the object.
With these goals and composition in mind, I started with the following tiny bit of code:
import net.liftweb.http.TemplateFinder.findAnyTemplate
import net.liftweb.util.{Box,Full,Empty,Failure,Log}
import scala.xml._
object Bindings {
type Binding = NodeSeq => NodeSeq
type DataBinding[T] = T => NodeSeq => NodeSeq
//adds a bind() function to an object if an implicit DataBinding is available for that object
implicit def binder[T](t: T)(implicit binding: DataBinding[T]): Binder = Binder(binding(t))
implicit def binder(binding: Binding): Binder = Binder(binding)
//decorator for a binding function that allows it to be called as bind() rather than apply()
//and also provides facilities for binding to a specific template
case class Binder(val binding: Binding) {
def bind(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = binding.apply(xhtml)
def bind(templatePath: List[String]): NodeSeq = {
findAnyTemplate(templatePath) map binding match {
case Full(xhtml) => xhtml
case Failure(msg, ex, _) => Text(ex.map(_.getMessage).openOr(msg))
case Empty => Text("Unable to find template with path " + templatePath.mkString("/", "/", ""))
object NullBinding extends Binding {
override def apply(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
object StringBinding extends DataBinding[String] {
override def apply(msg: String) = (xhtml: NodeSeq) => Text(msg)
implicit def path2list(s: String) = new {
def path: List[String] = s.split("/").toList
The principle idea is that in my application, I will create one or more DataBinding instances for each of my model types, and that then by simply declaring an implicit val containing the instance I want in the narrowest scope possible, I can call .bind on any object for which an implicit DataBinding is available, or .binding if I want to compose multiple such binding functions and close over the model instance. Furthermore, this gives me good ways to compose both over composition and inheritance hierarchies, as I'll show below.
Consider that I have the following simplified, store-oriented model objects. In Lift, these would probably be implemented using Mapper or JPA - in the app that I've been working on, these are Java classes persisted by Hibernate - certainly not things that I want to change in order to support rendering by Scala.
case class User(fname: String, lname: String, email: String, joinedOn: DateTime)
case class Address(
recipient: String,
addr1: String,
addr2: String,
city: String,
state: String,
country: String,
postalCode: String
case class Product(name: String, basePrice: BigDecimal, shippingCost: Option[BigDecimal])
case class OrderLine(product: Product, quantity: Int)
class Order(
val user: User,
val placedOn: DateTime,
val shipTo: Address,
var items: List[OrderLine],
var transactions: List[Transaction]
sealed trait State
object PENDING extends State
object IN_PROGRESS extends State
object COMPLETE extends State
object FAILED extends State
object CANCELED extends State
abstract class Transaction(val scheduledAt: DateTime, val completedAt: Option[DateTime], state: State)
case class AuthTransaction(
cc: CreditCard,
amount: BigDecimal,
scheduledAt: DateTime,
completedAt: Option[DateTime],
state: State
) extends Transaction(scheduledAt, completedAt)
case class CaptureTransaction(auth: AuthTransaction, ...) extends Transaction(...)
case class ShipTransaction(items: List[OrderLine], ...) extends Transaction(...)
With this set of models, I have a few different ways that they will be rendered - the display to the users will not be the same as the display to site administrators, I may (or may not) want to reuse the same rendering code for a line item in an order as in a shipping transaction, and so forth. Let's take a look at how this ends up.
First, I want to create some DataBinding objects for my classes that are built just on primitive types. Let's start with User.
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._ //this is where BindHelpers.bind comes from
import scala.xml._
import Bindings._
object UserBinding extends DataBinding[User] {
def apply(user: User): Binding = bind("user", _,
"name" -> Text(user.fname+" "+user.lname),
"email" -> Text(user.email)
object MailingAddressBinding extends DataBinding[Address] {
def apply(addr: Address): Binding = bind("address", _,
"line1" -> Text(addr.recipient),
"line2" -> Text(addr.addr1),
"line3" -> Text(addr.addr2),
"line4" -> Text(addr.city+", "+addr.state+" "+addr.postalCode+" "+addr.country)
object AdminAddressBinding extends DataBinding[Address] {
def apply(addr: Address): Binding = bind("address", _,
"recipient" -> Text(addr.recipient),
// imagine more literal bindings like the previous one here
object OrderLineBinding extends DataBinding[OrderLine] {
//more of the same
These implementations take advantage of partial application and the Scala type inferencer to turn the call to bind(...) into a closure with the type Binding, which is NodeSeq => NodeSeq. At this point, we're not taking advantage of the fact that these functions can compose, so we'll do so now a we build bindings for our more complex objects.
//same imports as before
trait OrderBinding extends DataBinding[Order] {
implicit val userBinding: DataBinding[User]
implicit val addressBinding: DataBinding[Address]
implicit val lineBinding: DataBinding[OrderLine]
implicit val txnBinding: DataBinding[Transaction]
def apply(order: Order): Binding = (xhtml: NodeSeq) => {
val itemTemplate = chooseTemplate("order", "lineItem", xhtml)
val txnTemplate = chooseTemplate("order", "transaction", xhtml)
bind("order", xhtml,
"user" -> order.user.bind("templates-hidden/user/order-display".path),
"shipTo" -> order.shipTo.bind("templates-hidden/address/order-display".path),
"lineItems" -> order.items.flatMap(_.bind(itemTemplate)).toSeq,
"transactions" -> order.transactions.flatMap(_.bind(txnTemplate)).toSeq
There's a lot more going on in this one. First off, we define our DataBinding as a trait rather than a concrete object, in order to take advantage of abstract implicit val declarations. When we go to instantiate this trait, we will provide concrete implementations of the various bindings that we want applied to the objects from which an Order instance is composed. The compiler will then be able to apply the "binder" conversion to get a Binder instance which closes over the instance with the appropriate DataBinding so that we can simply call instance.bind and pass either a path to a template, or a chunk of XHTML extracted from the input with chooseTemplate to get our final value.
To be continued...